FREE Webinar - Fed Up to Fabulous: 5 reasons your tired all the time and what to do about it

I ran a couple of surveys last month and the results where startling.

The majority of the women said that their energy levels had got to such a point that they no longer felt fabulous and where fed up of dragging themselves through the day.

THIS has GOT to stop!!

WHO wants to be dragging themselves through midlife when they can be energized and living life to the full!!

I know what I would rather be.

There are lots of reasons why your energy can be low or fluctuate over the day leaving you exhausted at the end of the day. BUT there are also so many easy solutions to improving your energy that don't involve you buying some magic supplement OR some expensive piece of tech.

SO if you are ready to tackle your energy problems head-on then I have the perfect session for you.

To celebrate my birthday (any excuse for a gathering with you lovely ladies) I am going to hold a FREE webinar to help your move from FED UP to FABULOUS. I will not only be sharing the 5 most common reasons I see everyday with the women I work with BUT I will be telling you what you can do about it!

So come join me over on ZOOM on the 17th May 2022 at 7pm (UK). It's my birthday (Did I tell you that already 🤔😉😄) so if you want to join the session with a cheeky glass of wine then why not.

Grab your spot here and I might have a birthday gift for you at the end for coming along.

By the end of this FREE masterclass you'll have learnt:

  • The five most common things that Zap you of energy at menopause

  • What is actually Zapping YOU of energy - discover which of the five most common things is Zapping you of energy so that you can do something about it

  • How to improve your energy levels straight away by focusing on what is zapping you of energy


  • The secret to maintaining your energy so that you can live your midlife to the full - full of energy and feeling Fabulous

This is for you if:

  •  You're feeling overwhelmed with your lack of energy and want to start taking control back

  • You’ve tried every diet and supplement under the sun but still feel shattered all the time

  • You're Fed up of dragging yourself through each day to then lie awake half the night

  • You’ve feeling more and more fed up about not being able to do all those things you used to do in the past

  • You don't have the energy levels you used to have and it is impacting on how you live your life

  • You’ve failed at countless diets and left feeling disheartened and just want to give up

  • You’re using food as a comfort blanket BUT know it’s causing your health to suffer

  • You’ve lost all your motivation and want to get your mojo back


  • You don’t know where to start to actually improve your energy and feel fabulous again

At the end of this Live Masterclass, you’ll have chance to ask me your questions during a LIVE Q&A session

 I want to make sure I answer ALL your questions before I wind up the class.  Which is why I’m limiting the number of seats available.  

I’m keeping things small so you get the attention you deserve throughout the Masterclass.

Register today, and you don’t need to worry about missing the Masterclass. You’ll receive a timely reminder before we go live so you can be sure to get all the information you need to make your menopause energy problems a thing of the past.  

To guarantee your slot, simply click the link here

See you over on Zoom on the 17th May 2022 at 7PM (UK time)

Lesley x