5 easy ways to reduce anxiety so you can calm your anxious mind and get on with your day

It is estimated that over 51% of 40-55 year old women will have felt some level of anxiety in the last two weeks. The situation we find ourselves in the world this week I am sure that this figure is far higher.

And here is the kick in the teeth - if you didn’t suffer from anxiety before menopause then you are at increased risk of suffering with it after!!

Menopause anxiety is a statement thrown about BUT what is it?

Anxiety is an umbrella term that covers 4 main symptoms:
• Irritability
• nervousness or tension
• feeling fearful for no reason
• heart pounding or racing

I’d add the list:
• feeling weak, tired or just plain exhausted
• sweaty/chills, rapid breathing or shortness of breath
• difficulty concentrating
• sleep problems
• panic attacks

Changes in your oestrogen and progesterone set a whole range of hormone imbalances including increasing your stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - and lowering serotonin and your mood boosting endorphins.

Add in the worry about changing menopause symptoms and it is no wonder so many women have anxiety.

Here are 5 simple ways you can help reduce your anxiety in menopause naturally

1: Eat protein with every meal.
2: B5 and B6 foods daily
3: cut out alcohol and sugar
4: up self-care practices
5: up your magnesium

Protein is essential for so many functions in the body - everything from the structure of your body to your hormones.

Protein isn’t stored in the body so you need to keep topping up your supply otherwise your body will start to break down muscle.

Studies have shown that women under eat protein on a regular basis.

You need to include protein in every meal you eat to make sure that you are getting enough to meet your bodies demands.

Don’t be tempted to just reach for the supplements - these foods are in ready supply if you eat a varied diet.

They act as a double act - one to reduce your stress hormones and the other to increase your feel good hormones.

There are lots more foods than the ones I have included.

Try to eat foods that contain B5 and B6 daily.

We all know that sugar and alcohol are not great for us in large amounts BUT did you ever stop to consider that they could be contributing towards your anxiety?

Sugars mess with your blood sugar regulation that gives you highs and lows of energy plus cravings for sugary foods.

Alcohol puts a strain on your liver. Keeping it busy detoxifying the alcohol when it should be focusing on ridding your body of other toxins.

It is not easy to cut sugar or alcohol straight away as your body might just give your cravings BUT a good way to start is to make sure that you are eating 3 well balanced meals a day and swopping your drinks to non-alcohol ones.

There are lots of different ways to practice self-care. It is about finding something/s that work for you.

You body can’t produce stress hormones and feel good hormones at the same time.

If you can only do one thing every day then prioritise sleep.

Sleep will not only reduce those stress hormones but it also supports the body to rest and repair.

Again don’t be tempted to head straight for the supplements - there are number of different forms of magnesium supplements and you might end up with other health problems if you take the wrong ones!

Magnesium is used in thousands of functions in the body including muscle relaxation, controlling your mood and your energy.

Try a relaxing Epsom Salt bath or include magnesium rich foods in your diet.

These are just 5 ideas to get you started.

There is lots more that can be done nutritionally to balance your hormones and reduce your anxiety levels.

If you are ready to use nutrition to banish your anxiety and get your hormones back into balance then click the link here to organise a discovery call.

Lesley xx