International Women's Day 2024

To celebrate #IWD I have a new resource for you🥳

A few weeks ago, I was totally triggered and past fed-up with the amount of b*ll sh*t* out there in the nutrition world ..

😖 celebs flogging supplements without a care for how these might cause damage to women's livers or mess with their medications

😖 ex-doctors recommending basically starvation diets with no understanding of your relationship with food or your nutritional status

😖 scientists selling out by endorsing products that you really don't need

There is so much information out there that it can be downright confusing, BUT nutrition doesn't have to be so complicated for the majority of us

Yes, certain health conditions need a different approach to eating and if your menopause symptoms are still driving you crackers I know there are tweaks that will be needed to be made in your diet to improve your hormone detoxification systems - DON'T go Google that!!

BUT, there are some basic principles that we should all be following around the types of foods we eat AND it isn't as complicated as you might think, SO I have popped them into an e-book for you.

The posh title is ... The Ultimate Guide to Building a Perfect Plate of Food at Menopause .. I know, get me that is some title!! 😆

The e-book covers the following:

🥦 why nutrition is important

🥦 what your perfect plate should look like

🥦 what to do if you want to lose a few pounds

🥦 extra nutrients you need at menopause

🥦 how to follow this way of eating and feed others

🥦 what else you need to consider

This is a guide is not a diet plan, so you can fit your ethics and likes/dislikes around food easily into the suggestions

If this sounds like JUST the thing you NEED, then click the link the download your copy straight away. LINK

Lesley xx